Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A blog is Born

Ok, so this is my second attempt at blogging!  I think it will go much better than the first!  I'm planning to blog about all kinds of things from being a single mom to homeschooling to my adventures as I become a birth doula.  I hope that everyone finds it half as interesting and entertaining as I do.  There is so much I hope to share!

So a little bit about me...I am a "single" mom and I have two awesome little girls!  I am lucky enough to have an amazing supportive boyfriend who is helping me not be so "single" anymore!  I am home schooling and pretty passionate about it.  I have a lot of different reasons for not sending my girls to "traditional" schools.  I am sure that will be the subject of a long blog post sometime in the near future!  Right now I am actively seeking certification thru DONA to be a Birth Doula.  I also hope to someday be certified as a PostPartum Doula.  I was already pretty passionate about Birth but since I started my certification my passion has grown exponentially!  Every woman deserves the chance to have her ideal birth and making sure ALL options are available and that all the information is given to moms is the first step to helping this happen!  My feeling on maternity care and birth trends in our society will most likely be the subject of many posts to come!

Thats all I have time for right now...time for some home schooling!  The girls are excited to get started...I love making our own school schedule!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you will have some great blogs. I can't wait to read them and of course get irritated about how "we" birth in this
